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SFC adopted new measures to protect client assets – A standardised acknowledgement letter is to be adopted and duly signed by both intermediaries and authorized institutions (effective from July 8, 2019)
SFC issued implementation of online platform guidelines and offline requirements for complex products (effective from July 6, 2019)
SFC issued new approach for online onboarding of overseas clients (effective from July 5, 2019)
SFC published new licensing application forms and two new self-assessment questionnaires for corporate application (effective from April 11, 2019)
All intermediaries will be required to submit their annual returns and notifications electronically through the SFC Online Portal with confirmation on compliance with the continuous professional training requirements in the last calendar year (effective from April 11, 2019)
Amendments to Securities and Futures (Financial Resources) Rules – Key changes include treatment of currencies subject to exchange control, updating the haircut percentages, updating the list of specified changes, allowing licensed corporations to include client prepayment for securities transactions in their liquid assets (effective from April 1, 2019)
Amendments to Securities and Futures (Financial Resources) Rules - Treatment of tenancy agreements for business premises (effective from January 1, 2019)